Akwa Ibom State Governor, Pastor Umo Eno, has reiterated his administration’s commitment to deliver on the campaign promises made to Local Government Areas, assuring the people of Itu Local Government Area on development of road infrastructure and revitalisation of the rich tourism potentials to enliven the area.

Governor Eno was addressing the congregation at The Presbyterian Church of Nigeria, West Itam Parish , Ikot Andem Itam, Itu Local Government Area where he attended service .

He stated that his administration has made progress in the delivery of promises made to Itu people, having adopted the area as his second local government area of origin, noting that he has assessed the tourism potentials of the area starting from his visit to the Mary Slessor tomb and other tourism sites in the area.

Governor Eno assured the people that the Ministry of Culture and Tourism will revitalize the sites and assured on the completion of the Mary Slessor Hospital Road and bridge, Tabernacle Road adding that the road to the Paramount Ruler’s Palace, has been awarded and the contractor would soon be mobilized to site.

“While we were going round each local government, we made promises to the local government areas. For the avoidance of doubt, I have it all compiled here.

“In every local Government we went, we didn’t just make political talks. We did a need assessment and for each time we came to you, we are saying the things we have observed and believed will be able to assist and compiled all.”

“I have looked at that of Itu and I have seen that we are making progress already.

“I told the Itu people that I will adopt Itu as my second Local Government.

“We told you we will harness the full tourism potentials in Itu and you remember for those of you who are following us, we have started visiting the tourist sites. We came to Itu and we went to Mary Slessor’s tomb and the Ministry of Tourism And Culture is working on that.

“One of the things we remember we talked about is the Mary Slessor General Hospital road, we will complete it. Don’t worry about that.

“It is of strategic importance to us. We also talked about the Tabernacle Road and you can see we are working on it.

“The other road we said we were going to do was the road leading to the Paramount Ruler’s house. That road had been awarded and what is left is to mobilize the contractor and fund the project. So we are aware of it. We had assured the Paramount Ruler that we will do it.

Speaking further , he said work has commenced at the Industrial Park and attested to the massive development going on in the Park , expressing optimism that the park would attract industries to open shop and get the youths meaningfully engaged through various job opportunities.

He added that he is awaiting the Motor park design which would facilitate construction of the motor park so as to move the trailers off the road, assuring that government effort at developing Itu will start manifesting in few months .

“We are working on the Industrial Park right now and you can see the massive development that is going on around that park to ensure that industries come in there and we can assure that our youths shall be the beneficiaries in terms of jobs.

“I discussed with your Chairman the other day about the motor park, we are just waiting for the design. Thank God the Commissioner for Special Duty is from here. So, if you don’t get the motor park, hold him responsible. When I go to a place, I will announce those that are handling things so that you can know.

“Please let us look at it and the agreement we are going into and then we can commence work at that motor park and make sure that we can move all these trailers out of the road. For me, in few months, we’ll be able to see the few things we have done. Other things we feel we need to do will be done when we spread to other Local Government, we will come back and try to do it.

The State Chief Executive used the occasion to shed light on the palliatives scheduled for distribution to the people from Monday 4th September, and gave the rice millers a marching order to supply the rice in 72 hours or risk having the supplies contracted to outsiders.

He said he thought of off- taking the rice from the local producers to sustain the value chain and get the money circulated within the state to boost the State economy.

“If within seventy two hours we don’t have them respond, I will give the supply to outsiders.

Governor Eno asked the Commissioner for Agriculture And Rural Development Dr Offiong Offor, to ensure the Rice Millers to supplied the commodityas agreed.

He explained that his choice of worshipping in the villages is to give the rural dwellers a sense of belonging and appreciated Itu people for the support given him during the elections, urging them to see his worshipping in the village as a mark of appreciation for the support he had earned from them.

In his sermon, Deputy Clerk General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of Nigeria, Rt. Rev. Aniefiok Ekop, who preached on the theme “Godliness with Contentment”, culled from 1st Timothy 6:6-7, admonished that God does not intend to keep his people from prospering but wants them to maintain balance and moderate the tendencies towards unnecessary battles, needless enmity, exploitation, fear and lost of peace in pursuit of material wealth.

The cleric was of the opinion that Akwa Ibom would be a better place if people lived with the understanding that whatever they acquire in life loses value as soon as they ceased to breath and advised the congregants to strive to secure spiritual blessings which will count for them after the present life.

One Reply to “Gov. Eno Assures Itu People on More Access Roads, Tourism and Health Infrastructure.”

  1. Obed Etim 1 year ago

    Please H.E The GOV. of our great state, please uyo people need you too please, help us and check on us too, i know you are doing the most wonderful for uyo, in secret, but please we really want to see you too our dear, GOV. PLEASE thanks a billion, GOD BLESS YOU AMEN…

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